What our clients say?

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Vivi's hip replacement, health, recovery
Vivi Anghze Jepsen,
DOB: 01-01-43 in Copenhagen,
Had hip replacement on November 15
10, 12, 2023
left hip. They thought for a long time that it was sciatica and went to physical therapy for that. Until she stopped as it had no effect.
She’s planning to travel on the 22nd of December, to spend Xmas
The part about the spine is totally spot on
She has had pain due to her shoulder surgery 3.5 years ago and has not been better with the added problems in her hip.
The part about the spine is totally spot on
She has had pain due to her shoulder surgery 3.5 years ago and has not been better with the added problems in her hip.
And there is definitely a lot of current and past pain that she has struggled with. Apparently some of it stems from her childhood where her mother was not really the caring kind of person
Also her pain level is 6-7 even with the hard painkillers (morphine equivalent).
Pain is in the wound but all through the tissue and the bone. She has a hard time describing the pain. And she has no energy and power is drained.
12/12/2023 First treatment was done:
13, 12, 2023: My dad says Vivi has been feeling a bit better now and has improved mobility
14, 12, 2023: sorry for the late response. Best regards from my mum, she is very grateful for all your help, she really feels a good progress and says the pain to be 4 to 5 now
15, 12, 2023: Good evening my dear friend!
I am very happy that Vivi makes so much progress thanks to you, and I think she may well be travel ready by Dec 22, the original day of their trip (she and her husband Kristian)
However, her husband Kristian, Kris’s father, has just been told that he needs a gallbladder surgery before Xmas, so the grand parents of our little boys still can’t come to Ibiza for Xmas…
A 7 day old baby boy born with hypothyroidism!!! Not anymore.
We are incredibly grateful to Dr. Parviz for the exceptional care he provided to our child. Our son was diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism, and we were deeply concerned about his health and future. Dr. Parviz’s expertise and thorough approach were evident from the very beginning. He conducted comprehensive tests to understand the full extent of our son’s condition using quantum analysis and then implemented a unique frequency treatment. Dr. Parviz’s dedication and innovative approach led to the reversal of the blockages in our son’s system. Thanks to God & Dr. Parviz, our child is now healthy. His knowledge, compassion, and commitment to his patients truly set him apart. We can’t thank him enough for the positive impact he has had on our family.
Pulse & Muscle Retuning 〉 (Allen D., 36 year old lady)
I’ve been suffering from persistent upper back and shoulder pain for a while now. Despite multiple visits to various physiotherapists and trying traditional massages, nothing seemed to alleviate the discomfort. The pain has now spread to my neck and arms, making simple tasks like writing difficult. It’s been incredibly frustrating and affecting my work as a nurse.
Seeking a new approach, I discovered Dr. Parviz and his Pulse and Muscle Retuning treatment. I was astonished by the immediate relief I felt after just one session, with the pain decreasing by 25-30% initially and 50-60% the following day. This contrasted sharply with the six ineffective physiotherapy sessions I had previously undergone. I’m eager to continue treatment with Dr. Parviz for a complete recovery.
I wholeheartedly recommend him to others facing similar challenges.
Dry Needle with Magnetic Pulse 〉 (Ms. Anna)
Hello, I’m Dr. Anna. I’m a dentist. I’m working here at Leila Rivi Dental Clinic. I had been suffering from lower back pain for almost 10 days—one week. It wasn’t too bad, but of course, working with this back pain wasn’t very easy. So I came to Dr. Parviz, and he suggested doing a dry needle with a magnetic pulse, and I did one session, only one session, for 30 minutes. I have to say that I didn’t feel too much pain, just some discomfort while I was doing it.
And after that, I can say that after two or three hours, the pain completely disappeared. really a big surprise for me because at the beginning I wasn’t so sure of the results in only one session, but I have to say that it was amazing.
Conquering Hypothyroidism 〉 (Ms. Pascale, 61 year old)
I am Pascale, 61. I’ve been facing hypothyroidism for a few months with shaky hands, very fast heartbeats, and anxiety. Then, one month ago, I met Dr. Parviz. I did two treatments. I began to reduce my medication.
I have no symptoms now, so I am very confident that my condition will be fixed earlier than expected.
Finding Relief through Pulse Treatment 〉 (Ms. Roxana)
Here is Roxana. I’m a dental hygienist at the Leila Hariri Dental Clinic. So I’ve had some discomfort with my knees for the last few weeks. Then I went to see a doctor. They took x-rays, but they couldn’t find anything. But the discomfort and pain were there. So I asked for Dr. Parvis recommendation, and he told me that I could do some pulse treatment.
I did it for 20 minutes, and from the first time I did that, all the pain went away and the discomfort really disappeared. I feel so much better, and I do a lot of exercise and sports, and I continue doing them without any problems. I did it again another time just to make sure that it wasn’t going to come back. So it’s been two or three weeks since the treatment, and I’m still feeling great.
So I just wanted to share that with you guys. And I recommended Dr. Parviz to my friend. It doesn’t matter your age; it doesn’t matter what the problem is. He always has something to offer. And then he checks your situation in very, very fine detail. And then he’s gonna recommend you which treatment is better for you.
Life-Changing Relief through Dry Needling and Pulse Machine Therapy 〉 (Ms. Sara)
So, I’ve had pain in my neck and shoulder for as long as I could remember, and I’ve been seeing chiropractor and doing physiotherapists about 3 times a week for the past 6 months. Whilst it really does help, but then I get out of the clinic and pain is back again or I exercise too hart and pain is back again.
I came to see Dr Parviz and he recommended I do dry needling and pulse machine. It has been fantastic. It has really changed how I feel about my body, the level of mobility over the past treatment, the session I did. It is just amazing. There is nothing else I could really say. It’s life changing for me and I highly recommend that.
This is magic. Because I did one session a week ago and I could immediately feel that I could move my neck a lot better that the stress of pain on my shoulder almost gone and for the first time in a year, I haven’t been back to the physiotherapy for a week! So magic works! I feel amazing. I don’t feel pain or tension. Today is my second session, so I am looking forward to feeling better, more amazed and I highly recommend that.
Endometriosis, a severe case resolution without surgeryRashakin allergies 〉 (Ms. Rasha)
I would like to share with you today my journey with Dr Parviz. Actually, I got diagnosed with endometriosis stage 4 early 2022 and at that time, I really got shocked from the diagnosis because I did not have any of the symptoms. So, some of the symptoms supposed to have heavy periods, painful period, some other health issues which I did not have. Nevertheless, it was confirmed by several doctors that it had stage 4.
At that time, I didn’t know anything other than conventional medicine and I did follow their plan which is to go into laparoscopy, to do the surgery and to do the cleanup. Some other doctors also said that I should go for the hysterectomy as well and lose my uterus fully which was completely unacceptable for me.
I went for the least aggressive approach which was basically cleaning up all the cells that have overgrown in my pelvis.
When I went to the surgery, it was supposed to be a 2-hour surgery, but it turned out to be an 8-hour surgery and they had to dissect like 10 cm off my rectum which was to be honest very painful process. After going through all of that, I did believe that there should be a way that is gentle, and more natural to boost my body and get over this illness.
I kelp looking online. I visited a couple of doctors. But I wasn’t convinced until I came I came to know about Doctor Parviz through the Instagram and I came to meet him.
Honestly since that time, this has been three months, and things have changed a lot. When I came 3 months ago, I did not have energy to lift myself up, I was very much like out of hope that I will ever be the same as used to be.
Today, after 3 months, I had my checkup today with the doctor and I feel great.
All of the supplements that he has asked me to take were very soft on my stomach. I did not feel any like discomfort or anything like that. He did help me pinpoint a lot of emotional trapped that I needed to work on which made it much easier on me, it was just like putting the light on the issue just made the half of the work already done.
I will highly recommend any woman or man who is having any trouble for their health, and sometimes even you don’t have to wait until you have troubles, you can always come and check and see how he can help you. For women mainly, because that is what I relate to, if you ever go to any doctor and he says you have to get rid of your uterus or treat any part of your body as an organ against you, don’t listen and come here and see how doctor can help you. Thank you so much.
Distance healing, broken hip and surgery 〉 (96 year old lady)
Dr. P. is truly a phenomenon, and specially his ‘art’ of distance healing defies rational belief – unless one actually experiences it….
My 96 year old mother, who lives in The Netherlands, fell in her house in the beginning of February of 2023 and broke her hip…
Luckily she was operated that same evening, and after about a week in the hospital (where she also caught Pneumonia, which she shook off after a few days), she was transferred to a special place for her revalidation – basically to learn how to walk again…
Another few weeks later, in total less than seven weeks after her fall, she was sent home….
Everybody who heard her story was very impressed about how quickly she had overcome her injury – specially at her very advanced age…!
What they did not know was that Dr. P. in Dubai, where I have been a patient since many years, has been doing his ‘distance therapy’ since her fall, initially on a daily basis.
Dr. P. had never met my mother, nor had access to anything physical or material that belongs to her. Yet, while working in Dubai, he had enough to do his therapy on my mother in The Netherlands, with truly amazing results! (Jan 2023)
Asthma, breathing difficulties and severe skin allergies 〉 (35 year old lady)
I saw Dr. Parviz Rashvand because I was suffering from extreme allergies, which led to breathing difficulty. He is such an amazing doctor who takes his time to listen and explain things thoroughly. He gave me sound advice for my treatment options and expectations. His treatment is noninvasive, and it revitalizes the body by eliminating all the toxins and bad bacteria causing problems.
Thank you very much Dr. Parviz! I am incredibly happy with the results and the in-depth assessment, as it has provided me with much needed clarity and treatment. The nutritional supplements you’ve prescribed worked wonders! It was definitely a positive experience, and I will definitely recommend him to every patient who is suffering from severe allergic reactions like me.
Date: 2023
Distance checkup and treatment 〉 (Hanan N, from Jordan, 45 years old)
I have known Dr. Parviz both in person and through my computer screen! I can say with complete certainty that his distant checkups & assessments are as good as his face to face sessions. With his caring and personal approach Dr. Parviz takes the extra steps to insure that you receive full and thorough treatment, even from miles away!
Autism 〉 (Father of Hamdan, 12 years old)
My son Hamdan is now 12 years old. In March 2022, I met Dr. Parviz to treat Hamdan… The treatment journey began after doing the required analysis… After the results of the examination, the doctor told me that Hamdan has many problems in the digestive system, brain functions, the immune system, etc.. He described he has some natural supplements that help Hamdan to restore his health, get rid of toxins and re-balance the body properly… From the first day of using the supplements, I was surprised that Hamdan slept deeply and comfortably, although in the past he had difficulties sleeping and sometimes intermittent sleep… I also noticed with the passage of days, Hamdan’s behaviour has become more balanced and calmer… He also wakes up from sleep and has a passion for playing and doing some activities and has also become less aggressive, and the outbursts of anger and screaming that were previously for no reason have decreased… Also, his output has improved in an excellent way… In addition, his interaction with children has become better, but he is still not speaking, sometimes trying to imitate some words…
I am very happy with these developments and I hope for more and I hope that Hamdan will become a normal child one day… I am sure that the doctor is doing his utmost to bring Hamdan to safety.
ابني حمدان عمره الآن 12 سنة، في شهر مارس 2022 قابلت الدكتور برويز لمعالجة حمدان.. بدأت رحلة العلاج بعد عمل التحليل المطلوب.. وبعد ظهور نتيجة الفحص أخبرني الدكتور أن حمدان لديه العديد من المشاكل في الجهوز الهضمي ووظائف الدماغ والجهاز المناعي وغيرها.. ووصف لي بعض المكملات الطبيعية التي تساعده على ترميم جسمه والتخلص من السموم و إعادة توازن الجسم بشكل صحيح.. منذ اليوم الأول لاستخدام المكملات تفاجأت أن حمدان نام بشكل عميق ومريح مع انه في السابق كان يعاني من صعوبات في النوم وبعض الأحيان نوم متقطع.. كذلك لاحظت مع مرور الأيام أن تصرفات حمدان أصبحت أكثر اتزانًا وأكثر هدوءًا.. كما أنه يستيقظ من النوم ولديه شغف للعب وممارسة بعض الأنشطة وأصبح أيضًا أقل عدوانية وانخفضت نوبات الغضب والصراخ الذي كان في السابق من غير سبب..أيضًا تحسن الإخراج لديه بصورة ممتازة.. إضافة إلى ذلك أصبح تفاعله مع الأطفال أفضل لكن لازال غير ناطق، بعض الأحيان يحاول تقليد بعض الكلمات
سعيدة جدًا بهذه التطورات وأطمح للمزيد وأتمنى أن يصبح حمدان طفلًا طبيعيًا في يوم من الأيام.. أنا متأكد أن الدكتور يبذل أقصى مافي وسعه ليصل بحمدان إلى بر الأمان
Dyspnea and Asthma 〉 (Elham, 34 Woman, Iran) Distance therapy as my case
Greetings and thanks to Dr. Parviz Rashvand.
I am Elham from Iran.
I have been suffering from dyspnea and asthma for a long time. I went to the doctor in Iran a few years ago and treated with drugs and corticosteroids sprays for a long time, the prescribed medicines only hid my disease but did not cure it. I’ve consulted with Dr. Parviz Rashvand and he has prescribed and sent me the medicines. My disease was cured even the impact of corticosteroids drugs on my body disappeared completely. I am extremely grateful to Dr. Parviz Rashvand🙏🏽🙏🏽 Wishing him more success🙏🙏
.سلام و سپاس خدمت دکتر پرویز رشوند
.الهام هستم از ایران
مدتها بود که از تنگی نفس و بیماری آسم رنج میبردم. سالها پیش در ایران به پزشک مراجعه کردم با داروهای کورتون و اسپری ها مدتها در حال درمان بودم، داروهای تجویز شده فقط بیماریم رو مخفی کرد ولی درمانی حاصل نشد، با دکتر پرویز رشوند مشورت کردم و ایشان داروهایی برای من تجویز و ارسال کردند، بیماری من به صورت ریشه ای درمان شد، حتی اثراتی که داروهای کورتون روی بدنم گذاشته بود کاملا از بین رفت
🙏🙏بی نهایت سپاسگذارم از جناب دکتر پرویز رشوند
🙏🙏با آرزوی موفقیتهای روز افزون برای ایشان
Miscellaneous treatments 〉 (Ron, 60, Switzerland)
“Being a very rational person, I was initially very reluctant to even go to see Dr. P., but then a severe illness caused me to try him out. With his frequency machine, and not to forget the natural supplements he prescribed, he cured me quickly – and this was the beginning of a long-term relationship! He introduced me to Quantum healing, and what seemed magic now had an explanation! One remote treatment of a family member with whom I was on a trip in Europe, cured her sudden and crippling back pain overnight. With just a hair and saliva sample of a lady that lives in Mexico, he very correctly not only diagnosed her physical state, but also her mental one, which is key for the type of mind/body healing approach of Dr. P. Like this there are several examples amongst friends and family of what Dr. P. is capable of, whether the patient is in his office or continents away! He may explain it all very well in understandable language and concepts, but to me
Distance therapy 〉 (Vincent, 79, Australia)
“Dear Dr. Parviz, A Very Big Thanks: I thank you with all my heart for the most recent Distance Healing treatment you performed on me. This Distance Healing was really necessary because of the long time (over a month) that has elapsed since my last appointment with you at your Clinic. This is due to the Covid-19 lockdown. I was clearly getting “out of tune” with my natural being…
The Benefits of the Distance Healing: The results were quite positively amazing particularly as it all happened while not in your presence as usual. The key points are that a feeling of relaxed wellbeing was created almost immediately but then improved over a few days. Your recommendation of a change in diet has been adopted and this has eliminated my excessive intestinal gas problem. I am now taking your recommended medicine supplements and feeling the benefits. The recent puffiness in my ankles, maybe caused by lack of my normal exercise program and the stress of being confined at home, returned to normal in two days after the Distance Healing session. At the same time most of the pain has gone from my damaged left hip and I am now walking with only slight twinges of pain. I also feel the overall benefits of taking the Plasma Water to mainly protect against the Covid-19 virus. I think it also adds to general wellbeing.
A State of Amazing Brilliance: This experience of Distance Healing has taken my belief in the power of Quantum Medicine to a whole new level of understanding, belief and respect for the technology and also for you and your unique professionalism as a Naturopathic Doctor.
Next Appointment: I would like to book another appointment for Distance Healing with you in about a week and at your convenience. I look forward to be connected by Zoom with you for my next appointment. This will make it more like the “real thing” of being in your presence.”
Autism 〉 (SK)
“My son S_____ was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 2 and was having a difficult time in his mainstream pre-school. After few days of non-stop crying, he started sitting on a corner of his class room isolating himself from his peers. At some point we even started thinking ofpulling him out of school after incidents of biting and beating other students. Even after 7 months in school, he was still unable to mingle with others. At home also he was very upset with the arrival of his younger sister. He always wanted to avoid her and used to harm her whenever he got a chance. Since I was aware that there is no autism remedies in conventional medicine, I had been in search of alternative medicines and came to know from one of my ex-colleagues about Dr. Parviz Rashvand of Synergy Integrated Medical Centre, Dubai. Even though I didn’t get much support from others I decided to take the ‘risk’.
He has been following the medication since the last November and results are unbelievable. I have seen so many FIRSTS in his life – riding a tricycle, kissing and hugging his younger sister, enjoying swing and slides, playing in group etc. He used to be scared of all these things before. Report from school is also very encouraging.Hyperactivity is subsided considerably and he is much more disciplined now. He is no longer considered as a problem maker and the class teacher is very happy with him. I couldn’t have asked for anything more than this in just 2 months’ time. I have full confidence that Doctor will bring my son back to normal life very soon. I highly recommend Dr. Parviz for all autism parents.”
Chronic neck & back pain 〉 (BL)
“I came to see Dr. Rashvand as I was suffering from chronic back and neck pain. I also wanted to understand whether I was suffering from any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. I found Dr. Rashvand to be both empathic and thorough and came away from my appointment with a clearer understanding of my issues and how we might deal with them. The back treatment he gave me resulted in instant relief from long standing pain.”
Previously diagnosed MS 〉 (HA, 30, UAE)
“This is my 3rd day taking the meds and already the numbness of my face I can say is has improved by at least 30% and I am so happy about that. Thank you! ”
[Upon my initial assessment, I realized it was not MS but blockages in the structure of her skull and neck affecting the nerve sensory and functions. As she says, her symptoms including numbness in her face have already disappeared. – Dr. P]
Quitting smoking 〉 (Thomas, 28, UK, 2019)
“For over a decade I easily went through a pack of cigarettes a day and multiple failed attempts at quitting. I had read the book ‘Easy Way To Quit Smoking’ by Allen Carr and I was heavily motivated to kick this filthy habit once and for all.
I had mentioned to Dr. P about this and with a glimmer in his eye suggested an Ozone Therapy to re-oxygenate my oxygen starved blood, a Vitamin B12 injection to help calm the nerves, and a selection of frequencies on his Frequency machine that would make my life a lot easier.
I’m not going to say it was a walk in the park to quit, however the intensity of my cravings after this treatment had dropped easily by 90% and I felt empowered that I could finally do this.
As of April 2020, it has now been over 8 months and I am 100% confident that I’ll never smoke a cigarette again after getting the well needed help of Dr. P during the early phases of quitting which I really needed.
I also find it amazing how over the time I’ve quit smoking, I’ve had more money left in my pocket in having those 3 treatments and not buying packs of cigarettes than had I not got that help and kept saying “I’ll quit one day”.
Thanks for making me feel alive again Dr. P.”
Recurring ear infections 〉 (D, 2017)
Dear Dr. Parviz, I am writing this long overdue email to you as a thank you and testimony of all your great work.
My daughter M who is nearly 4 years old was complaining of her ears hurting from the beginning of January 2017, and I kept giving her wax ear drops thinking it will get better, only to realise that after taking her to the ENT that she needed an operation to take the fluid out. The ENT doctor had done sound test in both her ears and they were both straight which meant she was not hearing well because there was fluid inside.
ENT said that she needed an operation which I was not willing to settle for. I knew that you could solve and help and that’s why I brought her to you. After you gave her the medication and she did the frequency and you asked Mira to refrain from certain food, we repeated the tests and sure enough her left ear was showing normal hearing signs. ENT doctor said there was no need for an operation”.
“I am so grateful for all your work and help in fixing my daughters problem. In life we need to be patient to see results, and by refraining certain foods and applying the naturopathy treatment that Dr. Parvez has, we can see a direct shift to a healthier and free from disease life which everyone of us craves for in this life.”
It is because of your treatment that my daughter Mira did not have to undergo an operation to remove the fluid from her ears.
Thank you ever so much for all your help and great energy. With much respect”
Eczema 〉 (LH, 64, United Kingdom, 2020, ...)
“Dear Dr. Parviz, as you know I had been going through extreme discomfort and irritation with the eczema that formed on my hand. There simply was no relief from anything that we had got from the supermarket, and even the strongest creams that I could get from the pharmacy.
When you told me to go and sit in a chair next to your frequency machine, I was highly skeptical at first to be honest, but as none of the conventional and more orthodox ways of doing it wouldn’t work, this definitely seemed a long shot. Well, I was happy to be proven wrong.
Within 12 hours the eczema started to slowly heal up but more importantly, I had gotten the relief from what felt like fire ants crawling constantly under my skin. What started off as a bunch of wet blisters, slowly dried up, and although I had some irritation from the dryness, the follow up frequency treatments immediately got to work to remove the irritation and the skin layers started to repair itself and slowly get back to normal.
I’m also happy to say that the supplements and complimentary Ozone therapy you gave me boosted my energy and allowed me to sleep a lot better as well. I’m still need to research the science behind all of this, but clearly the results speak for themselves and that’s all that matters. I cannot thank you enough and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Big love to you from all the family.”
“Hey Dr. Parviz. Nice to hear from you. I have been following the schedule and it’s going very well. I am also doing lots of cardio in the gym which I feel is helping to release the toxins as well. I am so much better. The itch from my urticaria is only on my back now and I can go outside a little more. Honestly whatever you do certainly made a change to my mental positive vibes. You have a gift, and the fact you are following up makes it even better. Thanks so much. You are a life changer and have a gift from above.”
“My daughter had a very severe form of eczema between age 2 and 4. The areas affected were on her arms, behind the knees and under the neck. It was on and off during the period of almost 2 years with a lot of itching and scratching. She would scratch even at night time and her quality of sleep and the mood in general was compromised as it was causing a lot of stress to her body. We were avoiding swimming in the pool as the eczema would aggravate and we didn’t use any commercial bath foams as the chemicals would severely affect her skin. The conventional treatment involved the creams with steroids only. I realized that the side effects of such treatment were much stronger (the skin on her arms started to bleach) and were treating the symptoms only without addressing the core issue. Moreover, the periods between skin eruptions became shorter and it looked like she would be on steroids for a lifetime. The answer I would get is that asthma, eczema and allergies are very common in children today and felt I needed to seek an alternative treatment. It was a vicious circle that was repeating without any clear sign of her health improvement.
After we started seeing Dr. Parviz, he helped her after only one session, but also explained very thoroughly why this was happening. He explained the reason behind eczema and why her digestive and immune systems were compromised. During the Quantum Assessment, he realized that she had a toxic overload (that is apparently very common nowadays due to number of reasons) which has been eliminated through her skin. He also addressed food intolerance to some food items which when undigested, created more toxins. Once we started to eliminate the food causing problems and cleansed her system with nutritional supplements, her immune system was instantly enhanced and the eczema was gone.
The treatment with nutritional supplements of the highest quality was 3 months long (3 times a day) and required a lot of patience as her condition would go up and down due to detoxification process, until if finally settled and now for more than a year she has been fine, without any sign of eczema. It is important to mention that the treatment is noninvasive and it stimulates the body to heal itself by eliminating all the bad items that are causing problems.
Dr. Parviz says that we have “emptied the cup” and we could expect that it will continue to fill again, but now I am much more aware of the importance of nutrition and what we should avoid to maintain her health. Quantum Assessment has shown that she should avoid anything containing food additives, preservatives, colorings etc. I have to say that she is a much happier child which enjoys swimming a lot. Her immune system now is strong and she doesn’t have that many colds and flus as she used to have, so I can say that there are certainly more benefits after the treatment.
Thank you Dr. Parviz, your protocol was very successful and I would recommend it to every parent who’s child is suffering from eczema, allergies, food sensitivities, intolerances etc.”
Fatigue & weight management 〉 (DS, 36, 2014)
“I came in with extreme fatigue and a continuous weight management issue in February 2014. I visited several clinics and did a multitude set of tests to find the cause of my extreme discomfort. After several blood tests, CT scan, monographs, and being told by all doctors that nothing is wrong physically. I’m just stressed ever, nothing!
I started looking for naturopaths in Dubai and only found a handful. Luckily, after reading over Dr. Parviz webpage, decided to give it a shot. I’m so glad I did because what we discovered changed everything for the better in me. Three months after the diagnosis and taking holistic supplements I gained back not only all my weight, but mental clarity and much of my emotional balance.
Thank you Dr. Parviz. I sincerely and greatly appreciate what you have, and continue to do.”
Polycystic Ovarian Case (PCOS) 〉 (LA, 30, 2015)
“I heard about Dr. Parviz when I was looking for another way to heal/ manage my PCOS condition. After more than 10 years under birth control pills and other medicines, I thought naturopathy would be a suitable option that I have to seriously consider.
After nearly 40 days with natural treatment and following Dr. Parviz’ advices, I had my periods for the first time in 10 years. I was surprised and very happy at the same time. This result encourages me to continue my therapy with Dr. Parviz.”
Colon Problems & Excessive Weight 〉 (SA, 55)
I really cannot thank you enough for your treatment and massive improvement in my health I am experiencing at the moment.
I have lost 6 kilos. I feel lighter better more energized and much more balanced psychologically.
I have cute out of my diet 99% of what you have recommended and I am taking the three wells protocol you prescribed.
My colon problem/ pain has improved by 90% I have fine past the 3 weeks in terms of observing the food.
Again, I am so glad I insisted on seeing you the day I left dubai. All the best”
Colitis 〉 (D. W. and Ben)
“My son suffered from colitis and amoebic infection. As a result, he had extremely painful diarrhea and cramps. We saw a gastroenterologist who prescribed antibiotics for the pathogens. However, I was really worried because of the chances of dehydration so I took my son to Dr Parviz for advice.
My son had a treatment with the biofeedback and I must say by the time we got back home, I had a different child in front of me. He was happy and full of energy. Plus finished all his dinner and only used the bathroom once after which his diarrhea stopped completely.
We had him checked by the gastroenterologist after he finished his course of antibiotics and she said this is the first case she has seen of a child with colitis that hasn’t been admitted to hospital.
I am forever grateful for the amazing job Dr Parviz has done and still does for our family.
Colic 〉 (Miss J)
“Hi Dr Rashvand, Just wanted to give you an update on baby T after her treatment.
She has started breast feeding
She slept 12 hrs. after the treatment, I had to wake her for feeds, generally now i gave found her sleep is more settled.
The colic has subsided, not totally gone but manageable levels and she is far more able to pass the wind herself now.
She is a more settled baby in herself
So a real success I am very happy, have shared your details with my mums group so expect a number of my friends will be coming to see you! Many thanks.
Bronchitis 〉 (H.GhJ)
“A week ago I started having a really bad and congested chest and a fever. I went to see my GP who ordered a chest X-ray. It was bronchitis and I was prescribed antibiotics.
Being a sensible person, it’s always been a challenge for me to take any medication and in cases like that Dr. Parviz is the only person I trust and know can help me.
So, I came to see him and after 3 treatments with the frequency and pulse machine, my chest was clear, my energy was back and I was able to continue as normal.
I am ever so grateful for having met Dr. Parviz and all he has done for me and our family.”
Stress 〉 (Charlene, 50, South Africa, 2020)
“Dear Dr. Praviz. First and foremost, I cannot express my sincere gratitude to you for your tremendous insight and spot on diagnosis. Suffering with an immense amount of stress over many years, which resulted in Diverticulitis, constant Headaches, Aches and pains, poor blood circulation and as of present, Tinnitus, I have almost accepted that this is just how I am going to end up for the rest of my life.
My latest experience of numbness in my head resulted in my desperation to find immediate help.
Doctor, your visit to our home, changed my life. As you said ‘i found you just in time’. The findings with the Quantum machine are EXACTLY what my symptoms are and no one else could ever pinpoint this to the T, as you have. Your insight and scientific knowledge in this field, surpassed our expectations by a million-fold.
The fact that you immediately offer the alternative in NATURAL Medicine, is a delight. Like a weight off my shoulders. The ease of knowing immediately what to eat and what not too, was another wow element for us. Saving time, money and energy in going from one-doctor-to the other; you captured EVERYTHING in one session. We are truly blessed to have found you.
I look forward to my new path in healing and adapting a new way of life in health. Thank you Dr. Praviz. Sincerely from the bottom of our hearts. Stay blessed.”
Migraines & Headaches 〉 (Jessa, 33, Ph, 2020)
My wonderful treatment journey with the best and excellent Naturopathic Doctor I have ever met!
My name is Jessa, 33 years old, I have been struggling with migraine or headache disorder for almost 6 years now. Most of the time, my migraine starts on the right side of my head then later on will radiates to my whole head combined with additional symptoms such as neck pain, sensitivity to light, sound, smell, nausea, vomiting and worst it will lead to anxiety because it was also affecting my everyday duty life as a Nurse. I’ve been to many Doctors and all of them just prescribed me with strong pain relievers that would only reduce the migraine pain but will come back later on. Imagine of having a headache almost 3 times a week with moderate to severe pain. It was like a life-sentence suffering for me. Thankfully, I met Dr. Parviz Rashvand and had a chance in assisting him. He is exceptionally talented, skilled and very caring Doctor. Trust me he is a rare kind of a Doctor! He can treat all kinds of pain. His passion in treating patients is way different from other Doctors because he pours his whole heart out in treating the patients. Not only he helped you to overcome physical pain but also emotional stress & psychological pain that triggers the migraine attack.
He did Quantum analysis on me that identified many problems on my overall health. He also treated me with his special treatments like dry needling (like acupuncture) with pulse machine and supplements that really helped a lot and cured my migraine. It was just a few sessions of the treatment and I’ve been observing how my body will react to the treatments but to my surprise. I never had a severe migraine anymore! And even moderate headache it totally stopped. It is a miracle for me!
Thank You a Thousand-fold Dr. Parviz for your healing hands! I really can’t thank you enough. You are really one of a kind Doctor! You made my future brighter and healthier!
Muscle & Co-ordination 〉 (SB)
“My daughter Salma had difficulty in running and her muscle coordination wasn’t perfect.
We did all the blood work, all the genetic screening and nothing was wrong, so I finally was referred to Synergy by a friend and after only one month I can feel the improvement, she’s more talkative, her color is not porcelain anymore, there’s more energy in her activity.
This is truly a beautiful thing and I’m thankful to God that we were directed in this path.”
Treatments and Analysis
〉 Distance Healing
〉 Smart Cancer Screening Test
〉 General Quantum Analysis
〉 Autism & ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders)
〉 Quantum Urine Analysis
〉 Allergy Testing
〉 Allergy Treatment
〉 Chronic Pain Management
〉 Ozone Therapy
〉 Chronic Musculoskletal Pain
〉 Chronic and Degenerative Disc Prolapse
〉 Migraine and other forms of Headache
〉 Stress Management
〉 (Rife) Frequency Theraphy
〉 Dry Needling (Muscle Retuning) and PULSE Therapy
〉 Cancer Support & Alternative Cancer Therapies
〉 Infertility & IVF Support, Male & Female Problems
〉 ADD and ADHD
〉 Rules of Stomach