Quantum Medicine; the medical Science of the 21st Century!

Quantum medicine is the most advanced medical science of today and it is based on evaluation and understanding the pre-existing information within a person to determine the source of a disease. It is therefore the true understanding of the creation and life too.

Let your body talk!

Quantum Medicine is designed to detect and analyse energy signals (the information signals) from any specific biological target at both matter and non-matter states. It is, therefore, a holistic approach of “body, emotion, mind and spirit” to the concept of health and diseases.

Energy is information

By analysing the energy signals of a biological target at the Quantum level, it is very much possible to accurately collect valuable information about the quality of health and balance of the target. The information assessment would happen at the physical body (i.e. cells, organs, and system functions), as well as the emotional fields (assessment of the vital force and the morphogenetic field), the mental or mind field (thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, etc.), as well as the spiritual parts. These energy fields together surround and govern the physical body. So, the body acts upon the information it receives in terms of determining its shape and behaviour. It is important to understand that Quantum assessments go beyond the concept of time and space. As the result, the reaction of the person to the past experiences such as old traumas and perceptions of the future can also be assessed too.

The vital force is the field of energy immediately surrounding the physical body. This is where the aura and chakras exist. Acupuncture meridians run through this field of energy too and it is also where homeopathy inserts its effects. Overall, a large body of information is held there which is crucial to understand general body functions and the quality of health.

Morphogenetic field is also considered to exist at this level. This is the field of energy which holds the blueprint of all organs of the body. So someday, doctors can stimulate the body to re-produce and organs by stimulating this field of information using the right signals!

Mind is the next field of energy which surrounds the physical body, as well as the other energy fields mentioned above. This is where our thoughts, beliefs and our perceptions are held and processed. In terms of affecting the body, it is stronger than the previous fields of energy and therefore, it has deeper impacts on the quality of our health and future diseases.

Due to the fact of storing beliefs, the mind fields are therefore very strong in determining the boundaries around a person and what can be achieved throughout his/her life experiences. All these fields of energies are categorized as magnetic forces impacting our body functions overall and at any level.

Quantum mechanics (the physics of very small particle fractions) is the science of consciousness and spirituality in creation. It proves that creation is NOT a random event at all and rather, it is highly organized and it is a result of precalculated facts, a mathematical mind.

Quantum science proves that the universe is conscious and aware. This is contrary to the concept of classical biology of Darwinism! Therefore, it could easily prove the influence of one’s perspective and perceptions, including thoughts and beliefs in one’s surroundings and environment. These are boundaries parameters and the determinant factors in designing and achieving the quality of health and life one can achieve. It is true then; we are the creator of our lives!

The discovery of how matter behaves at the quantum level (very small particles) has opened up a whole new insight to understanding the essence of the creation and everything else within it! Thank to that, we today understand the rational answers to questions such as “life after death” and “the existence of God” or the higher forces of divine and the fact of purposefulness of the creation.
The science of Quantum mechanics, when applied to life and health will also help us to understand how people are responsible for what they achieve in their lives, as well as the quality of their health or the complication of their diseases.

People who may still deny or resist the acceptance of such information would just have to educate themselves on the new science and discoveries and not to deny it out of lack of knowledge.
Using Quantum analysis in medicine, and without any pain or side effect, it is easily feasible to find out about the sources if imbalances in the body and predisposition to the diseases.

In this manner, many factors could be checked including:

⦁  The presence of active microbes within the body (viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, etc.), ANA immune system evaluation
⦁  Digestive system function assessment whether foods can be digested and absorbed properly
⦁  Allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances
⦁  Nutritional deficiencies and access
⦁  Toxic loads in blood and liver
⦁  Various states of hidden emotions and mind-related issues including traumas of the past and difficult perception about future
⦁  The root causes for chronic diseases and old/ chronic pain
⦁  Stress factors
⦁  And many more